lundi 21 avril 2014

Queen Elizabeth II's birthday

Hi everyone,

Have you eaten a lot of chocolate? ^^ I'm sure you have...Take care of your liver!!
Today is an important day as it's Queen Elizabeth II's birthday. She was born on April 21st 1926 in Mayfair (London). She is 88 years old.
This is a Queen's portrait by David Bailey, a renowned British photographer. This picture will be used in a great campaign to promote Great Britain.  

Do not forget Queen Elizabeth II is the Head of State of many English speaking countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand..; so she has an official birthday. It is usually around the end of May and the beginning of June (it's sunny outside so it's the easiest and better way for outdoor ceremonies)..Each country has its own date:
- Canada: the Monday preceding May 25th (Victoria Day)
- Australia: the second Monday in June
- Fidji: June 12th
- New Zealand: the first Monday in June
- United Kingdom: in 2014 it'll be in June 14. This day is marked by the ceremony Trooping the Colour. Queen Elizabeth is the Head of the Army too. 
Last but not least, let's sing the National Anthem: God save the Queen. Here is a video with the lyrics: 

Long Live the Queen!!

I'll watch if we can have a footage of today's anthem (in real life)...

dimanche 20 avril 2014

The big Challenge Quiz (tous niveaux)

Vous connaissez tous le concours Kangourou!! eh bien en anglais, il y a aussi un concours celui du Big Challenge... Personne n'a participé à ce concours cette année, mais je vous donne un aperçu des questions du quiz. Tous les niveaux peuvent participer et se tester!! Let's see who is the best...

Maybe next year, you'll be a contestant...

Bonjour à tous!! Happy Easter!!!

En parcourant un réseau social connu, un des mes amis me conseillait cette vidéo produite par des élèves du Collège du Chaudron... Regardez la elle est vraiment très bien faite!! à quand la nôtre!!... des idées??.... des volontaires??..... Faites le moi savoir....